Our stamping process is monitored with incorporated security sensors in our dies to secure correct mobility of cam driven punches and die sets. Any miss-feed or slug rise are also monitored and prevented. Continuous material thickness is measured to secure correct stack height tolerances are met.
Stamping process control is complemented by detection systems prior to handling into packaging, by either automatic poka yoke Go/NoGo systems or gauges used by operators in autocontrol procedure.
Prior to being launched for production, parts from initial tool setup are controlled on a CMM 3D machine to make sure all critical dimensions are within tolerances and Quality Dpt approving launch of fabrication order.
Operators are responsible for the quality of products manufactured and therefore conduct a regular check list control. QC inspector complement this control with regular random checks to QC laboratory.
Internal non conformities as soon as detected are immediately going through a QRQC workshop involving all parties with the operator. This allows immediate resolution whenever possible and avoid loading organization with later debated action plans.